Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ambrose Bishop of Milan

Mummy just read a chapter from Trial and Triumph. I decided to blog my narration....

This story is about Ambrose, a Roman governor who became a bishop. The people and Emperor Theodosius wanted Ambrose to be the bishop because he is kind and generous. He did not want this post because he did not have the training and was not baptised. Emperor Theodosius worshiped at Ambrose church. Once, Theodosius learned about a riot and ordered his soldiers to retaliate violently. Seven thousand people were massacred as a result of this. Ambrose was outraged at the slaughter and commanded him to repent of his sin. Theodosius repented. Later, Ambrose became ill and the christians were greatly fearful of fights and divisions again. However, Ambrose told them not to worry because God will be with them. I admire Ambrose as he was brave enough to tell the Emperor that he had sinned.

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