Monday, February 23, 2009

Wisdom and the Millers (The Multitude of Words)

Proverbs 10:19
When words are many, sin is not absent,
but he who holds his tongue is wise.

This story is about Sharon who has a habit of not talking wisely. One day, after school, Sharon shuffled home feeling very miserable. When she reached home, Mrs Miller saw Sharon and knew that there was something strange about her. She decided to talk to Sharon alone. Sharon told her about what happened in school......
Sharon did not talk very wisely to her friends and hurt their feelings. As a result her friends barely talked to her for the rest of the day. Another occasion was when Sharon and her friends were walking to the ball field, she told a silly and loud joke. All her friends stared at her because they was a group of first graders who were sitting on the grass praying. Sharon felt embarassed for being inconsiderate. And at the last recess, she also teased one of the older girls about a boy. Brother Ken sent her to the classroom until recess was over.
So Mrs Miller told her that she was already a very talkative child when she was young. Mrs Miller taught Sharon a rule that "it is always wiser to say nothing when you don't know what to say."

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